Start Your Day With GENESIS
Photographic Deep-Dive Devotional Book
A Unique, Analytical Perspective of the Principles, Meanings, & Lessons from the Stories That Started It All
Every single verse in the book of Genesis is addressed in this devotional book, with cross-references back and forward to other devotionals where connections and reminders have been made. Bring your Bible to look up the verses addressed in each devotional, as sometimes, only portions are written in the text itself. Side-by-side comparison will also help enlighten obscure Biblical phrasing / concepts. The page numbers indicate the devotional numbers (each page contains a single devotional & image), to which I refer (in red italics throughout my text) for cross-referencing. For the sake of easier reading and comprehension, I took cautious liberty in paraphrasing the Scriptures I used (changing out select words for more commonly-used ones)—only with much searching, studying, and investigating to ensure the meaning isn’t lost / changed, but only clarified and enhanced. Most of the content in these books comes directly from the thoughts and understanding I’ve gained through the study of God's Word, written from my unique perspective. As you’ll notice, I use common dictionary definitions when appropriate, and often highlight those from Strong's Concordance (an exhaustive index of every word in the KJV Bible). There are some instances where I’m also able to include bits of insight I’ve gleaned from other respectable sources over the years, but for the sake of this book, I’ve summarized the concepts rather than quoting the sources. Please feel free to reach out if in doubt. Please note that while this book is for people of all ages and appropriate language is used, at times there's some 'mature' content (as seen in the Bible itself). If you feel concerned about your child's readiness to come across that, I simply ask that you review the book first.
**See image #2 for full book description.
Book Type: Paperback (with thicker matte cover) &/or PDF (Digital)Size: 8.5" x 11" (US Letter)
Thickness: ~2/3"Pages: 216 (205 devotionals/images)
Includes table of contents & 4 blank pages for note-taking
Author, Photographer, Designer, & Editor: Alyssa Quiñones (of Bible Forensics & AllyQuin Photography)
*NOTE: Book images are printed darker than PDF images (based on current printer/manufacturer). See images for samples of each.
Start Your Day With Genesis
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